Flavor Profile: Citrus, nuts, clean.
About this coffee

8 coffee producers from Gualcince Lempira

1300- 1700 masl

IHCAFE 90, Lempira

Clay minerals

Intibuca and Lempira departments, Honduras

Fully washed and dried in the sun and mechanic dryers

December - April
Coffee Background
Growing Region
Ever stop to think about all the variables that factor into creating a distinct, complex, clean and consistent regional blend? There are so many variables from terroir to post-harvest processing and everything in between. And what about the human factor from farm management all the way through to brewing. This lote represents a classic western Honduras profile traceable to 8 farms near on the border between the departments of Intibuca and Lempira. Farmers in this area typically cultivate coffee on just a few acres.
Processing details
During the harvest, each producer follows a strict protocol which includes picking cherries at optimum ripeness, hand sorting, floating to remove damaged and undeveloped beans, depulping and fermenting before washing and drying the coffee on patios or raised beds to a moisture of 11 percent.
Exporting preparation
These producers are members of an association called Aprocasol, which has 180 members who work collectively to manage infrastructural needs like road improvements to the farms. Aprocasaol works closely with a private dry-mill to ensure crucial logistical support for things like warehousing and milling coffee for export to the international market. The collaboration provides expertise at each stage of coffee processing without generating high overhead costs, meaning more money from the sale of coffee lands in the pockets of the producers.